Friday, August 8, 2014

New Board Leaders Workshop

This past week KASB hosted two days of training for new board leaders.  Over 70 people from across the state attended sessions in Hays and Topeka.  The topics included discussions on board culture and the importance of student achievement for communities.
Dr. Brian Jordan facilitated the workshop with support from KASB staff.  This year’s workshop was designed in a much more interactive model.  Much of the day was spent in peer groups sharing insights and comparing board experiences.  A benefit of these sessions was the networking opportunities established by meeting new individuals with a mutual purpose. The lessons were prepared around common issues related to board leadership.  The participants were actively engaged in learning through doing during these workshops
Both days provided opportunities for questions for the KASB legal staff surrounding executive sessions and board procedures.  We ended both days with a “mock board meeting”  to present teachable moments to share best practices.
Over all it was two great days of learning.  Kansas is so fortunate to have so many wonderful people willing to serve communities in this important task.  The passion for students and schools was on display this past week  The staff at KASB was pleased have the opportunity serve educational leaders in their quest for continuous improvement.

1 comment:

  1. Change in leadership will definitely bring good changes for the organization. Therefore in every organizations we have found frequent changes day by day; as different leaders are having different strategies to implement; so we can get good outputs from their experience and strategies.
    Leadership Coach
