Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Another Year Gone By......

Wow, what a fast year.  Time sure flies when we are having fun.  We know, it wasn’t all fun, but as you wrap up another year with all of the spring sports, concerts, events and of course graduation take a few minutes and reflect on the year.  We are sure there were many great days for your students and staff, as well as new knowledge discovered and shared.  There were surely moments of inspiration and frustration, but education hopefully continues to be a rewarding profession for you.  Getting to observe a year of progress through so many eyes provides many powerful lessons.  As we look forward to next year and begin to map out the course for our schools and districts, lessons from this year’s litany of changes in the educational world should prove very valuable.

We thought we might take a minute to review the year in Leadership Services.  

As many of you know we added the highly motivated and talented Gary Sechrist to our team.  He has brought a new dynamic to the Leadership Services team that will help us align services to educational leaders at all levels of the system.  He has spent a great deal of time this year building the relationships with superintendents, boards and educational leaders as evidenced by him visiting every district west of Highway 81 some of them multiple times.  What an asset he has become to KASB.

Dr. Jordan began year two right where he left off.  Personnel evaluation continues to be a topic that consumes much of our energy and effort in districts across the state.  McREL Evaluation trainings at both district and building levels were a large part of the work throughout last summer and fall.  Then multiple measures burst on to the scene after the first of the year... He continues to take an active role in the planning of regional meetings and seminars to better serve our members.

We feel the Leadership Services team brings a balance of experience, knowledge, and practical sense through the services they develop and deliver .  We feel fortunate to be able to work together as a team to deliver quality services.  As you all are aware we are willing to travel anywhere to meet the needs of our member districts.

Just a quick count on projects that might be a surprise to some. This past year Leadership Services lead:

87 Whole Board Trainings (many were planning and goals setting sessions)
8   Community wide strategic planning sessions.
24 Superintendent Searches
59 Off Site Trainings (mostly McREL, evaluation, or multiple measures workshops)
4 Balanced Leadership Trainings

We have also watched our partnership with ESC’s and McREL expand as professional development requirements focused on achievement continue to drive school improvement.

Leadership Services worked with over 1,800 school leaders this past year.  That includes board members, superintendents, principals, teachers, and community members.

As you start planning for the upcoming year don’t hesitate to give us a call.  We can help make your job a little easier.

We are looking forward to seeing many of you at the summer advocacy tours.  Don’t forget, to find some time to relax, we know as educational leaders you are already planning for enrollment and back to school days with faculty and staff.  Let’s make next year another great year!