Wow, it seems like it has been a
long time since we sat down and worked on our blog. There is a lot of new
information for board members to share and many thought provoking discussions ahead.

It has also been a year of
transition. The Leadership Services has added Gary Sechrist as a field
consultant and he has been on the road. Gary plans to attend as many area
service centers meetings as possible so superintendents will have a chance to
visit directly with KASB and share concerns or issues face to face. We
think that will help improve our services and provide better support for the
onsite services we offer.

The superintendent search season
is underway and already several openings are posted on our website. These
searches take us to all regions of the state in an effort to try and match
superintendent candidates with districts’ needs and desires. To kick off
the search season we hosted our annual aspiring superintendents workshop here
at KASB. We were excited to visit with twenty six outstanding men and
women that are focused on educational leadership and want to make a difference
for Kansas students.

Just a reminder about New Board
Member Workshop III which is held in conjunction with the KASB Annual
Convention. This year it is in Wichita so we anticipate see many new
board members in attendance. Don’t forget to take advantage of the free
pass and make sure each board in Kansas has someone at this year’s activities.
The Leadership services department attempts to provide valuable information on a timely basis for superintendents and boards. The leadership team is providing a regular blog and podcast that we hope you make part of your routine to learn more about our services. We hope these social media methods give you the opportunity to listen and read when your time allows.